The economic realities are what I'm alluding to, not how practice
should be. The reality is that coding is a commodity akin to other
craftspeople and that is a different problem. Designers who are
craftspeople are similarly in the same position. The designers who
are looking towards converged design and transdisciplinary business
management that are moving (for now) beyond the commodity.

I like how Dan spun my take a bit. respect those that do the
building. That is definitely true. What I dislike is the assumption
that they get my respect and not visa versa. That their implicit role
is all that is necessary for them to earn my respect, yet I have to
change my entire framework and language system to gain theirs.

My major point here though is that this discussion about agile has
been framed incorrectly. Alan's talk is part of a reframing and I
appreciate that effort. I disagree with his attempt, but agree with
its necessity. As I said recently on Twitter. I believe in the power
of Big Design Up Front. Alan seems to be trying to cover it up w/
language that softens the blow and say that the people doing it now
are better than the people who did it before, but he doesn't quite
fess up to what he's asking for.

I often fall back on Buxton's talks that fight the push towards
agile when he talks about how software dev folks have tried to
reframe design to fit there, as opposed to reframe dev to fit design.
Design in other areas is very upfront and doesn't really seem to be
problematic. It is indeed iterative and collaborative, but definitely
up front.

-- dave

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