Hi Thushar, see my answers below...

> On Dec 2, 2018, at 10:20 PM, Thushar Prakash <thushar.m.prak...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to ODL and I couldn't find a users mailing list. I hope this is the 
> right one.
> I was trying to do an experiment with the ODL controller and mininet. I 
> needed reactive flows and since l2switch was not included in the latest 
> fluorine release I used Carbon instead, for now.

FYI oxygen is last release with l2switch.

> This is the topology that I am using for my experiment.
> <02-hostsfound.png>
> But the flow table entries for the  OVS switch in mininet was (for switch 
> OpenFlow:1):
> NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
>  cookie=0x2b00000000000002, duration=30.63s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, 
> idle_age=30, priority=2,in_port=3 actions=output:2,output:1                   
>  cookie=0x2b00000000000001, duration=30.633s, table=0, n_packets=0, 
> n_bytes=0, idle_age=30, priority=2,in_port=1 
> actions=output:2,output:3,CONTROLLER:65535  
>  cookie=0x2b00000000000000, duration=30.636s, table=0, n_packets=0, 
> n_bytes=0, idle_age=30, priority=2,in_port=2 actions=output:1,output:3        
>  cookie=0x2b00000000000004, duration=36.03s, table=0, n_packets=14, 
> n_bytes=1190, idle_age=4, priority=100,dl_type=0x88cc 
> actions=CONTROLLER:65535           
>  cookie=0x2b00000000000004, duration=36.03s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, 
> idle_age=36, priority=0 actions=drop
> It seems that the packets are being flooded to all the other ports all the 
> time. At first, I thought it was for LLDP packets, but the flow entries are 
> not changing even after sending traffic between the hosts and even after 
> removing one of the paths from host1 to host2.

Flood flows are installed by default to broadcast any incoming traffic to all 
ports and controller (to discover hosts). Once hosts are discovered you should 
see MAC-to-MAC flows on top of the existing flood flows. This behavior is very 
similar to a real switch where known MAC traffic gets unicast forwarded ed 
while BUM traffic is broadcasted.

> The main requirement for me is that we get a traffic matrix and that the 
> connectivity retains even after links are switched off. But here the traffic 
> through all the other ports will be the same for a  switch and thus can't 
> find the way traffic is behaving. 

If something does not work after link/node goes down, this may be a bug or some 
limitation in the l2switch.

>  Am I doing something wrong or is there some configuration in the l2switch 
> feature that I need to change? 
I do not think you are doing wrong, anyway here is the l2switch config setting 
for reference: 

> ODL being a well-known controller is there any other way by which we can 
> achieve reactive flows (other than using l2switch).
You can try the VTN project: 

> PS: Where do I begin if I wanted to get involved in the development and get 
> the l2switch feature for a later release of ODL.  

Today the l2switch project is abandoned, if you really have cycles to revive it 
I would suggest to submit a proposal in 
<https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Project_Proposals:Main> so once it gets 
approved you can get committers rights to push code.

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