<removing my silly auto-signature .. sorry>
On 2-Mar-07, at 12:12 PM, Ned Horning wrote:

Would dropping "Free" and just using "Open Source" in the future make it
transparent to everyone?

Hi Ned,
I think that's the crux of it (aside from current workshop question).

The OSGeo conference committee had a debate about this and voted to keep the Free in the title. I can see this will likely be an annual debate :)

Until then it's a good reminder that the "Free" and "Open" go together. That is, no matter what "Free" means - it must also be "open source". Not Free "or" Open Source. Though, again, that's not clear to everyone either.

I do think it is a good metric for deciding about workshop/speaker sessions though - is it Free and Open Source? yes or no...


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