Perhaps I am out of the loop on this one. I did exchange e-mails with
Frank this morning, and he said that I could move forward. I will
contact him again to clarify, perhaps I misunderstood his instructions.

What you said about matching a mentor based on student location makes
some sense.

I apologize to all on the list if I am nagging about something that has
already been taken care of.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jody Garnett
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 12:03 PM
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2007 Google Summer of Code (Student Project

I think you are a bit late to be asking this one; we rounded up ideas 
last week ... and the request was for possible mentor.

Matching up student with mentor is as much a game of timezone, common 
spoken language as it is knowledge. For projects such as GeoTools, uDig,

GeoServer the contact information is the same (seek yee the developers 
list) ...

Let's try this again, on #osgeo

Landon Blake wrote:
> I am going to try and help Frank get our ideas list for Google's 2007 
> Summer of Code wrapped up by the end of the week. I know that the 
> participating projects have already done a lot of this work here:
> However, I was hoping I could request some assistance from the 
> participating projects so that I can get a finalized list put 
> together. I'd like to ask if each of the participating projects could 
> e-mail me a text file with the following information for each student 
> project idea:
> [1] The name of the Student Project Idea.
> [2] The mentor that will be assigned to the project if it is accepted 
> by Google. I think we want something definite here. Not "possible 
> mentor" or "suggested mentor". I think the projects need to get this 
> nailed down.
> [3] A brief, one or two paragraph, description of the Student Project 
> Idea. It is important to remember that the students reviewing these 
> idea lists may not be GIS or programming experts, or experts on your 
> particular software, so be careful about your use of technical terms 
> and jargon. Please also do not send a link to another web page that 
> contains the description of the student project idea. I'd like to have

> this information self-contained in the text file. You can include 
> links to technical specifications or other information that applies to

> the Student Project Idea and that the student may find helpful in 
> considering the project.
> [4] The contact information for a person the student can talk to for 
> more information about a Student Project Idea.
> One of the reasons we'd like to do this is to encourage participating 
> projects to really look at their own Student Project Ideas list so 
> they can tie up any loose ends. We really appreciate each of the 
> participating projects taking the time to do this.
> I will review each submitted lists to check for things like spelling 
> and grammar errors, broken hyperlinks, and for things that just don't 
> make sense. I'll try to approach this review from the perspective of a

> student, and will direct the questions about the Student Project Idea 
> description to the appropriate participating project. We prefer to 
> have a short list of well-thought out Student Project Ideas with few 
> errors, rather than a long list of confusing or unclear Student 
> Project Ideas with lots of mistakes and errors.
> Thanks,
> Landon (A.K.A. - The Sunburned Surveyor)
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