We put them out to pasture - if they have not been meeting their responsibilities for a fixed period of time (ie attended a meeting or reviewing project proposals). It is a tough decision and GeoTools managed to paint itself into a corner before enacting this policy (corner = not enough people in meetings for a useful vote). So far it is going well; we are trying to have a higher turn over of PMC (so that an organization with an active project can step up as needed).

I think the GeoServer policy has the best write up:

If you find you cannot make meetings for a month or two, by all means step aside. Thank you so much for your time, if you want to groom a successor and then nominate them that is cool, but the nomination process still applies.

If we do not hear from you for two months we will assume you lost, send out a search party and nominate your replacement.

That is to say, status on PSC is lost if not active at all in a two month period of time. Of course you can come back on to the PSC if you become active again, but a new nomination procedure will be needed.


Cameron Shorter wrote:
One of your developers has been very active, contributed lots of code, advice, documentation but then their priorities change. They haven't got as much time for the project, or maybe the project grows and they can't keep up with increased email traffic.

The developer still holds a lot of knowledge about the project, probably talks it up at conferences and probably trades off their status as a PSC member in developer circles.

Should the developer step down from the Project Steering Committee?
Should the developer be offered a new title - "Project's Honoured Grandfather" or similar?

What do other OSGeo projects do with their old guard?

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