On 7/17/07, Landon Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One of my biggest problems with the OGC is the lack of a practical
membership avenue for open source projects and/or programmers. I think it
would be great if the OSGeo or some of its participating projects could
serve as a vehicle that would allow for more participation by the open
source community in OGC standard development.

I know form previous discussions wearing my GeoTools hat that you
have to be a legally constituted body to join the OGC, having a
mailing list, web site and SVN wasn't enough which is why GeoTools
never became a member (even though a majority of our developers are
members). I guess that OSGeo could become a member if the board
thought that paying the money was worth it.

You could also just attend the meetings as a non-member as Paul Ramsey
does sometimes, or just ask some of us who do go to meetings to make
your points for you.



Ian Turton
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