Hi all,

I understand the point of Kishor and Ravi very well. I see a danger for OSGeo that it sticks inside its own circles as the exisiting member vote on the additional members. The result is that people usually vote the people they know well, so OSGeo might become something like a closed club. This is only natural and I do not see an easy solution to this (and I do not say it is like that - only that there is the danger). Helena's suggestion might help in this regard.

BTW - was there ever the idea of limiting the amount of charter members that belong to one organisation? This might help in limiting the influence of some "tribes". ;-)

Best regards,


RAVI KUMAR schrieb:
Hi All,
I agree with Kishor. Seeing the geographical
distribution of votes will be relevant.
Ravi Kumar
--- P Kishor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Gary,

I was not the person who originally requested this,
but I did show
interest in this, so I am presenting my reason here,
for what they are

Actually, I am not even so much interested in seeing
who got how many
votes as I am in seeing the geographical
distribution of whence the
votes came from and where they went... if that could
be shown on the
map... or, if I can imagine it on a map.

For now, it is heavily weighted in North America and
Europe, and
rightly so... most of this technology was invented
in these regions,
most of the developers are from these regions, most
of the
implementations are in these regions, most of the
momentum in these
regions. In the long run, I would like to see OSGeo
spread its wings
on all corners of the globe. I am not trying to
hasten this process
artificially, but I am interested in seeing the
process itself, and
see it happen sooner rather than later... imagine...
if I could see a
time-lapse movie of open geospatial spreading around
the world!

For now, I am more interested in seeing where we
need to focus more,
encourage more activity, perhaps even do some
special hand-holding, if

That is all of my reasoning. It is not crucial or
urgent, and there is
no other agenda -- if collectively it is decided
that not showing the
tally is better, I am cool with that as well...

On 8/9/07, Gary Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What purpose is served by displaying the results
in this way? I see
absolutely no benefit, other than to create an
ad-hoc popularity
contest to see who beat out whom.

What lessons can be learned from having the tally
known? How can it
OSGeo in future elections? Will it deter people
from running in the

The votes were not posted publicly, we know who
won, leave it at that.
If the final tally by person is made public, will
we next ask to see
how each charter member voted?

This is beyond openness.


(Yes I was a candidate, yes I was not elected, no
this has nothing to
do with my position on this issue)

On Aug 9, 2007, at 11:20 AM, Frank Warmerdam
P Kishor wrote:
In the spirit of openness, it would be
worthwhile seeing where the
charter members thought it best to cast their
votes. While
embarrassment is a possible consequence, I
believe if I were running
for a Board member, and if I lost, I would
still like to see the
votes... I am not interested in seeing who
voted for who... I am more
interested in seeing the voting pattern as a
reflection of the
of interest, awareness, and even a need for
doing more.
Puneet (and Tamas, Bart, ...)

I don't have a strong opinion on this.  If
someone would like to take
this issue formally to the board I would
encourage you to write up a
position in the wiki and add it as a topic for
the next board meeting
agenda at:

If so, I'd ask that you be available to speak on
behalf of the issue
for the next board meeting.  Alternatively, the
topic could be
at the AGM at FOSS4G (planned for late on the
Monday I believe).  I
can't seem to find a wiki page about the AGM,
though I think one

Of course, discussing here is fine too, but
ultimately for action it
is helpful for someone to "carry the ball".  I'm
not going to be that
person given a lack of enthusiasm about the
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    |
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