Ned Horning wrote:
SCGIS has a small international network of user groups that can be used to
expand this program and I'm trying to figure out if OSGeo could help build a
similar or partnered network for open source offerings. The OSGeo education
committee members are creating course materials that will be leveraged for
this conservation-focused training. I addition to that we need to develop a
network of trainers. How much interest is there among the OSGeo
community/user groups to support and provide conservation-focused geospatial
training? I'd like to hear from anyone but I'm particularly interested in
hearing from people with connections outside of North America.


Speaking for myself, I'd be pleased to play a support role to someone preparing
training materials.  That is, if such a person had questions about how the
tools I'm knowledgable about worked, I'd be glad to provide somewhat more than
the usual mailing list level of support.

Actually preparing training materials from scratch or giving training is
likely beyond the practical for me.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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