
I am planning to submit a paper (and I will check with others in the growing OSGeo community here in Triangle who may be planning to go too) - I think an organized session (or two) would be great if there is still time to propose it and I can certainly help with the booth.

Also I am wondering about getting some of the Google SOC students there - those who did not get a chance to be in Victoria - maybe Google could support their travel? We had two very nice projects that would fit very well with this conference.


Helena Mitasova
Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atm. Sciences
1125 Jordan Hall, NCSU Box 8208,
Raleigh NC 27695

On Oct 17, 2007, at 2:57 PM, Allan Doyle wrote:

Chris Schmidt is starting up OSGeo Boston, and this would be a great project for us to do. We're having our first meeting tonight, we can put it on the agenda!


On Oct 17, 2007, at 13:30 , Alex Mandel wrote:

I think this is a great opportunity for OSGeo to reach a wider audience of general users.

As and organization I think we should consider having a 'vendor' booth in the exhibit hall, running a workshop, and maybe an organized session.
I'll volunteer to help with whatever we pick to do.

The meeting is April 15-19 2008 in Boston, but paper submission are due by the end of this month. Note, they make you pay for the conference before you submit because you are guaranteed to talk(as far as I can tell).


Call for Papers
2008 Annual Meeting of the AAG

The AAG Annual Meeting accepts all submitted abstracts for presentation. If you have any questions about these guidelines please direct them to Oscar Larson at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Abstracts must be submitted online at between August 1, 2007, and October 31, 2007.

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Allan Doyle
Director of Technology
MIT Museum

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