P Kishor wrote:
So, on the basis of a highly scientific polling methodology, we have 5
for inviting all 18 nominated to become Charter Members and 2 for
leaving 3 behind.

There is some logic in sticking with the program, but programs have to
be malleable and changeable with the times and situation. 15 is as
arbitrary a number as 18. My choosing 15 out of the list is going to
100% irrational and arbitrary.

3 is as arbitrary a number as 4, or 5, or 6.....
So what would happen if there were 19 nominations,
or 20 or 21 ....
Changing the policy may be appropriate, but not
during the process. For example, knowing that
the 'magic number' is 15, some people might
have decided not to make further nominations
on seeing a list of 18 well qualified nominees,
but may have made a different choice had they
known the 'magic number' could be changed.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
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