
For several months several of us have been working on a standard installer
for a variety of OSGeo4W packages on MS-Windows.  The result of that is

It is an installer that understands package dependency, supports upgrading
individual components in place, and is network based (only downloading the
packages that are needed).

OSGeo4W is loosely intended to supercede efforts like MS4W, and FWTools.

We are seeking windows software users willing to try out OSGeo4W, and provide

We are also looking for software developers and packagers interested in
helping with packaging.  Currently we have good support for GDAL, MapServer,
uDig.  We have a proof-of-concept WinGRASS package, but it needs love. We
would appreciate packagers for additional packages, including QGIS, OSSIM,
MapGuide, gvSig, and GeoNetwork.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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