Since local chapters seem to be the topic of the day on this list, here is another post in the same vein:

The Quebec Local Chapter which is in the process of being formed [1] will hold its first "5 à 7" this Friday August 29 in Quebec City. Tyler Mitchell is in town for the "2nd International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality" [2] and will join us on Friday night.

This is an excellent chance to meet with Tyler and other OSGeo enthusiasts around a beer and to discuss the formation of the new Quebec Local chapter.

Here are the meeting details:

When : Friday August 29, 2008 @ 5pm
Where : Café au Temps perdu
        867, avenue Myrand, Québec, QC G1V 2V8
        (close to Université Laval)

Please confirm your presence by email to myself or Thierry Badard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> so that we can adjust the reservation for the right number of people.

I hope to see some of you there.



Daniel Morissette
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