My two cents: I feel very confortable in the Spanish OSGeo chapter, even if we 
are in the
incubation process. I will say that I will feel better in any chapter based on 
a common
language than in any other based in political or administrative constraints 
More, I don't
like very much the term "local" when applied to the current Spanish OSGeo 
chapter because
we aspire to be global (Spanish is spoken by people all around the world, like 
Chinese or Bulgarian). I can't speak on behalf of the Spanish chapter but I 
would like it
to be as helpful as this (English speaking) forum is to me and actually I can 
assure that
the Spanish Chapter is great.
I will be more prone to check out, or even to affiliate to, the chapter IN 
French than the
Quebec, Outremer ou Parisien chapter, but sure I will check them out.
+1 for language diversity in the OSGeo community
+1 for the chapter in Spanish
+1 for the chapter in French
+1 for any other chapter, local or global
+2 for the Bay Area local chapter 

> On 24-Aug-08, at 9:22 AM, Yves Jacolin wrote:
> > What does the other LC think about this? Specially Spanih LC which  
> > is as the
> > Francophone LC, mainly based on common langage.
> I think your ideas are good.  The only hypothetical trouble I could  
> think of would be if there are not sufficient number of people to  
> warrant a chapter in a certain country, then how do they join?  But I  
> don't think this is barrier, since the "network" could help encourage  
> the smaller group to get started.
> Tyler
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