On 17-Sep-08, at 11:53 PM, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:

Would osgeo be able to host this floss-geo list?

I think this would fit well in the mission of OSgeo and it would be
great to have some non-profit OS-oriented organization behind it (and
not to start a google group..) and osgeo would be a perfect match with
the interest in the geospatial technologies, data and tools.

I can see your thinking and it sounds good to me. I haven't been a big user of many projects that use GPS components, except QGIS and gpsbabel in general. Plus some custom python scripting.

The only question I have is how many other people you think would be interested in using it. I support the idea in general and would volunteer to pursue setting up the list for you (filing a ticket for our system group aka SAC is the way to go: http://trac.osgeo.org).


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