Domenico Febbo ha scritto:
Hi all,
maybe it is a very newbies' question:

I need to implement a Web Service based on GML that accept a XML request
with two main things consist of:
1) WGS84 coordinates for a geographical area
2) the timeframe (start time and stop time) used to query to the geodatabase
historical data.

It was very usefull (for me) to implement a web service over the WFS
protocol or other OGC standard protol,
but I didin't found a clear solution.

WFS does not have a TIME parameter like WMS has, yet you can just
publish the time attributes as part of your feature type, and
create an OGC filter in your WFS request to filter upon them.
For the details, I suggest you have a look at the WFS 1.0 specification
and at the Filter 1.0 specification (available at the OGC site),
they are a dry read but should allow you to setup the request you're
looking for.

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