Tim Bowden kirjoitti:
The Aust-NZ team is well under way in planning for the Sydney FOSS4G
2009.  As part of that we're looking at potential sponsors.  We'd love
to grab big, small and in between.  If there's a company you think
should be a sponsor, please drop us a line.

In particular we'd like to get talking to the likes of Nokia

Tim, I've already contacted a FOSS guy at Nokia I know. I asked if he'd be the right guy or somebody else to talk about OSGeo - Nokia relations and sponsoring in general, but if and when he replies, I'll mention FOSS4G 2009 specifically.


etc.  Ok, so they're all big, got lots of money (still, I hope!) and
love open source, but they share another common trait; we haven't yet
been able to get them on board.  If anyone has any good contacts within
those companies, please let us know.

Tim Bowden

Prof. Ari Jolma
Environmental Management Information Technology
Teknillinen korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
tel: +358 9 451 3812 address: POBox 5300, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi/twiki/bin/view/Main/AriJolmaHomePage

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