Le samedi 07 novembre 2009, Ravi a écrit :
> How come ESRI uses GDAL too, does open source support closed source too.


It depends the OS Licence. GDAL licence is BSD-Like  [1].

Some other are usinng GPL-LIKe licence. This kind of licence does not allow 
closed source to user open source licence. They need to "open" their source 
using a GPL-Like licence [2].

This is quiet complicated ;)

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License
Yves Jacolin
"Donner la liberté aux individus ne suffit pas, il faut aussi leur donner du
pouvoir, de la puissance d'agir." M Gauchet

"Give freedom to people is not enough, we also have to give them the power 
to use this freedom, to act". M Gauchet
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