Hi Drew,

A good question.

I had assumed that as image manipulation and processing functionality is 
required as part of the normal desktop workflow for a significant range of 
spatial use cases that it would be included in this type of comparison.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Thursday, 24 December 2009 2:53 AM
> To:
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Include remote sensing software 
> in OSGeo desktop shootout? Re: Discuss Digest, Vol 36, Issue 31
> Dear All, 
> The discussion of an OSGeo desktop shootout prompts me to 
> inquire if remote sensing / image processing software could 
> be included in the comparison. Or, does anyone have an 
> existing comparison of features and capabilities? 
> More specifically, how do the FOSS remote sensing toolkits 
> compare with commercial packages such as ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, 
> PCI Geomatics, Idrisi, ECognition, Feature Analyst, Genie 
> Pro, etc (sorry for any omissions on this list). Where are the gaps? 
> By remote sensing packages, I'm referring to software that 
> ingests satellite and aerial imagery and data (optical, 
> infrared, thermal infrared, SAR, LIDAR, microwave), and 
> applies various transformations, filters and workflows to 
> generate geospatial information and maps. The remote sensing 
> output is typically imported into GIS for further analysis 
> and visualization. 
> Many thanks and happy holidays, 
> Drew 
> Drew Pilant, Ph.D.
> Remote Sensing Research Scientist
> US Environmental Protection Agency
> Office of Research and Development
> Landscape Characterization Branch
> tel:  919.541.0648
> fax: 919.541.9420
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