I was thinking that we may be able to purchase a license to some shapefiles,
or other mapping data (it's very important that our mapping data be as
correct as possible).  On the driver side (running on the GPS device - I'm
thinking touchscreen) the mapping software would provide driver directions
visually and possibly audibly - just like a Navigation device e.g. TomTom -
but with a few custom buttons etc on it to let the driver send info back to
the server.

On the Server side, the mapping software would mainly be used for
determining distances between points, geocoding (and possibly reverse
geocoding), and doing some other smart stuff.

Because the system would be mostly automated, having a visual of where
vehicles are etc is a secondary concern for me - i'd like to have that, but
I could imagine using google maps for that.

We've used Telogis' Geobase before as the mapping software, and we gave it
shapefiles, which it used nicely. I thought I'd look to see if there is an
open source alternative while exploring how much Geobase will cost, and what
their licensing model is.



On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Arnie Shore <shor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> WRT SMS cost, that's strictly a user issue/question of course.  There are n
> different plans out there (where n is a large number.)
> And WRT yr routing data, (I note that we also provide the GMaps Street
> View) what do you anticipate using as the data source?
> Best wishes,
> AS
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Louis Sayers <lssay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Arnie :)
>> I'm probably thinking of a standalone mapping application on the GPS
>> device, and for on the server as well.  This is to limit GPRS usage on the
>> GPS Device, and because I need to do a bit of processing on the server side
>> (I'm thinking of routing a lot of vehicles).
>> I'm interested to know what SMS services you would / do use though, and
>> how much that costs you per SMS? ($USD$)
>> Thanks,
>> Louis
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Louis Sayers
MEM Programme

Department of Engineering Management
University of Canterbury
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