On 06/01/10 3:29 AM, Kumaran Narayanaswamy wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently looking out for web based Open source Geospatial Job
> Tracking Software similar to Job Tracking for ArcGIS?
> http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/extensions/jobtracking/index.html
> Are there any open source projects  out there that you know of that
> cover these features similar to ESRI product?
> Regards
> Kumaran
This is a good question and I'm very interested in any answers you
receive.  This sort of workflow/project management software is much
needed in the GIS industry sector and I've not seen any open source
options out there that met my specific needs when I looked previously. 
One that might help at least on the conersion/transformation side is
Talend studio with it's spatial component:

But that's likely only one piece of the puzzle.  I believe that much of
what is required for job tracking and workflow can be developed through
some simple web interfaces, with open source apps sitting on the server
side.   I've taken several attempts on doing this but never devoted
enough time/focus to get very far.  If any else is interested in
developing such tools, I'd be interested in discussing it further.  I
believe these are necessary to streamline workflow and gain back
efficiency that has been lost during the industry's general move toward
using point-click GUI environments for everything.

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