miblon wrote:
> Hi there folks,
> I am currently investigating the open source options for generating
> density maps. I currently have some php code that could form the bases
> to do this, but I would prefer to use more general available api's such
> as geotools if that would be possible.
> From a j2ee developers point of view; I am looking for functionality
> that I can feed with a dataset of irregular point(jts) geometry and that
> will generate a layer like the one shown here:
> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ZSuJiQ9ztA8/SmIM9yD-tYI/AAAAAAAABlM/FOyoqcie7Cc/s1600-h/Shootings+heat+map+Baltimore+July+2009.jpg
> or
> http://rbnhw.com/media/epp-ShakeProbability.jpg
> preferably, the image should be georeferenced so it can be handled as
> wms, but the latter I can fix.
> Any ideas or references on where to look would be great!
> kind regards,
> Milo van der Linden

I believe this implementation is done with Postgis & not sure what else

The creator of that site lurks here too, and I can put you in contact
for the specifics.

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