OSGeo Folks,

As you all are all aware there is a large international response to the
Earthquake in Haiti right now.  One of the more difficult tasks at hand is
to aggregate all the incredible work that is being done by NGOs,
Governments, Companies, and Individuals. Of particular interest to myself
and the work that I am doing to support the Sahana Software Foundation's (
http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php/haiti:start) efforts is making sure we have a
good catalog of the Web Services that are being put out there right now.

One wiki that appears to have a critical mass of support amongst a wide
group is the one put up by Crisis Commons at
http://www.crisismappers.net/forum/topics/task-force-haiti-earthquake.  I am
hoping that I can engage some folks from the OSGeo community to help scour
the web and mailing lists to fill in the Web Services portion of this wiki.
 Please add notes to the services if you know that a service might be on
unreliable hosting -- we may have some further work that we can engage our
community in as we identify these so that we can find more suitable and
scalable places to host these services.

Thank you all for any help you can give!

David William Bitner
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