Thank you for all of the responses. I will summarize here for everyone's 

- Line Trace Plugs was a raster to vector conversion program used by the SCS, 
BLM and Forest Service. It was historically distributed with GRASS. It may now 
be available at

- The OTB plug-ins for QGIS will do this task or something similar in the 
Python programming language.

- Grass has the r.thin and commands.

- Inkscape has Potrace.

- gvSIG uses Potrace as well.

- Sextant has some raster tracing functions.

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of Miller, Craig
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 12:23 PM
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Raster Tracing - What Is Available?

Line Trace Plus was a very powerful raster to vector conversion program used by 
the SCS, BLM, and US Forest Service for years.  At one point it was distributed 
along with GRASS, but that no longer seems to be the case.  It pretty much 
dropped out of existence after project 615 made the ESRI suite available to all 
of these Federal Agencies.  
We used a port of it on 24 Linux kernel 0.9.1 slackware boxes in 1992 to 
convert a huge amount aerial photo interpretation data to vector polygons as 
part of the Interior Columbia Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP) mid-scale 
assesment.  As far as I know, this was the first large scale use of Linux 
within the US Forest Service/BLM.  I digress though....
The product continued to be developed by Infotec as a commercial product and I 
believe David Mandel who once worked for them still has a copy of the public 
domain source code.
The GRASS source code and Linux Binaries are available at
David had a page up at, but it seems to be dead today.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Landon Blake <> wrote:
Is anyone aware of a raster tracing tool for geospatial users released under an 
open source license? I'm looking for something similar to:
I found the Autotrace program (, but it seems 
to be a little more limited, and not geared to the GIS user. Vextractor allows 
you to georeference your tracing output and supports export of the traced 
vectors to SHP and DXF.
The price for a single license of Vextractor isn't bad ($99 US), but I'd love 
to find a similar open source project. I've thought about trying to write 
something up using JTS, but I know it would be a very challenging project. I'd 
like to know if any of you have worked on open source projects in this area.
Thanks for any info.

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Craig Miller
Geospatial Software Architect
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