
We've used VTP ( and modified the GUI of it's Enviro viewer to be a little more end-user friendly. VTP does a good job of providing an interactive 3d environment of DEM and texture (e.g satellite image), and optionally 3d structure models. On the downside, you have to author your datasets carefully (using VTBuilder) to get good performance, and you have to limit your map/model to an extent (it doesn't model a globe, only a projection). There's a ton of 3d modeling info on the VTP web site.

Ossim ( has OssimPlanet which DOES model a globe but it can be an effort to set up (I've never tried it).

While we've seen some interest in 3D mapping environments, one difficulty is ease of use from the end user's perspective. They're OK with rendered 3d perspective images, and they LIKE "fly-thru" movies of terrain. But they LOVE interactive 3d environments, as long as they navigate with ease (and this can be a big problem).

They mainly care about the terrain (dem+image) and overlaying map data like points, lines, and polygons (with styling and annotation). While we've shown demos of including 3d structures models (buildings), it hasn't generated much interest. But then we talk to mapping depts, not engineering/construction.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser
GeoAnalytic Inc.

Landon Blake wrote:
I’m curious if anyone knows of a decent open source viewer for 3D maps. Does such a viewer exist? How widespread is its adoption?

I know that Adobe PDF has become a fairly common way to share 2D maps digitally, but I didn’t see a lot on the web about a PDF solution for 3D maps. If you build 3D maps and models as part of your work, how do you share them with your clients and the wider public?

Thank you for your thoughts.


P.S. – Here are a couple of links I ran across for what appear to be open file formats for 3D models. I’m not sure how applicable they would be to 3D maps:

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