On 2 June 2010 20:17, miblon <mob...@dogodigi.net> wrote:
> Hello George,
> I completely agree that there aren't a lot of questions that are GIS related
> on SO, but most come from people not familiar with GIS at all entering
> either from a developer (google maps api, openlayers) or a dba perspective.
> And these roles are interesting; Often they are the guys that are asked by
> management to "put a map in their app" and often they strand on geometry or
> projection related topics. I believe that is where we fit in. We help them
> out, point them to the fact that there ARE people specialized in GI and
> maybe one thing will lead to another: The managers grow in understanding
> that Geo IT is a profession too...
> Especially now, with the crisis, IT managers are looking at programmers
> being able to work in the whole spectrum of options. I believe it is our
> task to show them that using specialists might speed up development. That is
> why I always advice customers to hire me for the map and the geodata, and
> designers for the website look and feel. I cannot (and will not) design
> websites, and a designer shouldn't try to master maps, he/she should master
> design!
> GIS related topics pop up more and more thanks to openlayers and google
> maps. And it offers opportunities. SO is an environment to spot these
> opportunities whereas a GIS specific SO would lead to segregation, keeping
> us away from the rest of the world.
> I would strongly opt to put effort in gettting GIS related topics "on the
> map" on SO instead of copying SO for a limited audience. It would surely
> show our presence to the people out there.

Hi everybody !

First I have a question : does anyone know the rules for the second
step ? Because I think we've succeeded to complete the first one (it's
not a reason not to continue our efforts ;-) )

I don't think that the existence of a Q&A site dedicated to GIS will
lead to the disappearance of GIS related questions on stack overflow.
By the way, it will be really interesting, in my opinion, to keep an
eye on what happens on SO (or on server fault, because I think GIS
related questions can be found there too ;-) ). What i hope, though,
with the start of a GIS dedicated site, is to gain in audience, and to
gain a new place where people involved in GIS will be able to share
their experiences. There are people who don't like mailing lists, and
Q&A sites are another way to be really efficient, and to get accurate
answers on really technical questions.

Btw, Milo, I agree on many facts you set forth. Your point of view is
really interesting ^_^



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