On 14 June 2010 15:16, Ezra Boyd <ebo...@tigers.lsu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I need help in importing or converting a .kmz file so that I can view it in
> my GIS.
> I work for a small environmental NGO in coastal Louisiana, and we are
> currently assisting emergency responders tackling BP's oil spill.  One of my
> tasks is surveillance of oil streamers and globules as they approach the
> coast.  To help with this, I am using radar satellite imagery obtained from
> CSTARS (https://www.cstars.miami.edu/.)
> The website provides downloadable .kmz files.  When I open these files in an
> GeoBrowser, I can view a georeferenced .tif image.  However, I have not
> figured out how to get geotiff into my GIS, where I can overlay winds,
> currents, tides, and waves to project likely movement of observed oil
> globules.
> I have tried exporting the image in Google Earth, Nasa Worldwind and ArcGIS
> Explorer.  I have also tried opening the .kmz in a half dozen or so GIS
> viewers.  I have also tried converting the file using GDAL.  I have also
> tried changed the file extension .zip and then uncompressing it.  None of
> these attempts have worked.
> Please let me know if you how to extract the .tif file embedded in the .kmz.
> Thanks,
> Ezra

Hi !

kmz files are just zip archives. So, try to unzip them :-) with unzip,
on linux, for instance ;-) . I think such command line tools exist on
windows too. You don't have to rename it before extracting.

Good luck !


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