Paolo Cavallini wrote:
Il 22/07/2010 15:58, Mike Toews ha scritto:

Thanks Mike.
I knew this, but the questions are:
- any idea about when the service will be back? Not being able to distribute 
packages is a serious issues for many
- (sorry if I'm rude, but) are we sure we can't do better to manage a vital
infrastructure? More than 10 days on a backup server does not sound very good 
to me;
weren't the blades new?
Any opinion?
All the best.


John has been working for several days now trying to get an OS installed
on the old download blade and booting again.  He has encountered odd issues
with the blade manager that I don't really understand.  So though we had
anticipated having the old blade back operational sooner that has not

We certainly *could* do better in getting normal operation restored
but I have attempted to balance the criticality against the effort
level.  In particular, I rushed to get the download backup working
so end users would have access to software, but I have taken the position
that being able to update it conveniently can be delayed for a while
rather than replicate a bunch of setup work in two places.

I have been uploading packages to the download server on an adhoc
basis as needed, but I'm afraid to run the OSGeo4W regen software
as it is possible I might break things badly.

There is room for additional volunteers on the System Administration
Committee for folks willing to make an ongoing commitment and provide
phone contact information for day or night emergencies.   If you have
skills and commitment, please join the SAC mailing list and let us know.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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