Hi Geoff,

Thanks for updating us on status of  UO OSCAR project.

Are you still using uDig to rebuild UO OSCAR?  Would this software
available for public download and use?

I am very interested on thematic mapping. What are the main features

Would UO OSCAR be useful to small tree farmers in NZ, keeping records
on the agro forest management?

I am interested in forestry carbon estate modelling + GIS for REDD and NZ ETS.

I am using glpk/mathprog to implement the estate model using
FOLPI-based formulation - LOG


I managed to run LOG using glpk/mathprog
(http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/), not AMPL.

I have forest management model example included in the official glpk
tarball, in ...glpk-4.44/examples/dbf folder. This is reading
shapefile - areas for the LP model.

Regards, Noli

On 7/26/10, Geoff Hay <geoffrey....@otago.ac.nz> wrote:
> Hi Noli,
> I am working full-time on the UO OSCAR software and am working towards
> making it available this year - its really a PhD reserach project. The
> original OSCAR prototype developed as part of the FAO project was built on
> top of UDig as a set of plug-ins - and these will eventually be rebuilt.
> The prototype was really just a proof of concept and screen shots are
> available in a couple of the reports/papers but not very interesting - see
> FIG. I have spent a lot of time since then working with OWL, Jena, and
> Pellet and happy to say that part is mostly complete. Currently I am working
> on web services for OSCAR and integration with WMS/WFS/GeoServer - since
> OSCAR does not use a database (for thematic data) this aspect is a little
> less straigh forward since these things tend to require 'up front' schemas.
> I do apologise for the out of date web site and the other delays but it's
> just me and my supervisors at the moment and funding is an issue. I will of
> course post to this list as things progress and am happy to answer
> questions.
> regards
> Geoff
> ________________________________________
> From: discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org [discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On
> Behalf Of Noli Sicad [nsi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, 21 July 2010 10:25 a.m.
> To: OSGeo Discussions
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] UN FAO and FOSS / OSGEO Projects
> Hi,
> I am googling on the topic in GIS / mobile GIS for farming, forestry,
> forest management and forestry carbon applications
> I found out that  Refractions did a UN FAO Mobile GIS System for
> Agriculture Monitoring.
> Mobile GIS System for Agriculture Monitoring – United Nations Food and
> Agriculture Organization
> http://www.refractions.net/expertise/casestudies/2005-12-unfao/
> There is no screenshot of the software and no proper web link to the
> actual project which you can download the software.  It is just
> www.fao.org. is this LGPL project?
> UN FAO probably sponsored some FOSS projects.
> I know that FAO sponsored the VB bindings for GDAL but I never saw the
> FAO project that uses this VB bindings - the actual FAO software /
> application.
> OSCAR is also sponsored by FAO.
> http://www.fao.org/docrep/012/i1447e/i1447e.pdf
> http://source.otago.ac.nz/oscar
> http://source.otago.ac.nz/oscar/OSCAR_Home
> Geoff, could we see a screenshot of OSCAR.
> http://www.mail-archive.com/discuss@lists.osgeo.org/msg05931.html
> I hope we can download OSCAR soon.
> Now, do you know any other UN FAO sponsored FOSS / Geo projects?
> Thanks.
> Regards, Noli
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