On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Frank Warmerdam <warmer...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Adrian Custer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Paul Ramsey <pram...@opengeo.org> wrote:
>>> The complete list of charter members
>>> is available by from
>>> * http://www.osgeo.org/charter_members
>> Where can one find the official attendance records and proxy
>> assignments of these members for the last three official "meetings of
>> the members" ? Were minutes kept for those meetings?
> Adrian,
> The "meeting of members" is the AGM and we do not keep track of who
> attends, nor are they in any way limited to charter members.  We do
> keep track of who actually votes in board and charter member elections
> and we are supposed to deactivate members who haven't voted in either for
> something like three years.
> I'm not clear why you are asking though as the call was for board

The call was for nominations for board elections, nominations which must
come from the list of charter members.

Since the list given by Paul contained the name of one person I know to have
moved on to other activities, I wondered what provisions existed to ease
inactive members out of the charter member inner circle. As you state, I
discovered a clear provision to that effect:

Section 7.7 Automatic Termination. Members shall have their membership
status automatically terminated and their names removed by the Secretary of
the corporation from all membership records of the corporation if they fail
to participate, either in person or by proxy, in three (3) consecutive
meetings of the members of the corporation, held electronically or

which says nothing about voting but only about participation --- "fail to

So it seems that
  (1) participation of charter members in membership meetings should be
recorded and
  (2) the secretary might consider a purge of the list of charter members.
That is unless these by-laws are merely considered pro-forma and the
organization really run as it seems best to the board.

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