Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce the following session for the Fall 2010 American 
Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting being held in San Francisco, California from 
December 13-17 ( 

N19. Information Technology Infusion Success Strategies 

Description: Large programs that manage Earth science remote sensing data have 
a vested interest in seeing those data products widely used. Information 
technology has a significant impact throughout the life cycle from sensor data 
processing to multi-sensor data production to data assimilation. To ignore 
changing technology is costly, so proactively  planning for infusion and 
adaptation is a strategic necessity. This session seeks technology infusion 
experiences and how the corresponding lessons learned can benefit present and 
future efforts. Examples of problems and solutions to technology infusion in 
remote sensing data systems are desired, specifically those dealing with data 
processing, system interoperability and service oriented architectures.

Please consider submitting an abstract and forwarding this announcement to 
potentially interested colleagues. 

The submission deadline for abstracts is September 2, 2010.    

Thanks for your consideration, 

Karen Moe, NASA.
Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico.
Brian Wilson, Nasa (JPL).
Ruth Duerr, National Snow and Ice Data Center.


Karl Benedict, Ph.D.
Director, Earth Data Analysis Center
Research Assistant Professor, Geography Department
University of New Mexico

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