> Nice to hear that you found the script and got it to work!  I'd love to see
what fixes you applied and would roll
> them into the official code. 
On Windows there was no $HOME directory.
> How you use the resulting xml brings up a good question. 
Metaedit can open it.
The question is now how we could produce to

> How did you envision using the metadata results?  
I wanted to search or query the files for their extend and attribute features.
I received a bunch of data sets from the providers and wanted to check whether
these contain the required information.
It's administrative information that follows a certain scheme.
I additionally want to use it as project documentation tool to show the other
colleagues what data was used in the project.
For each federal state we have
a) land use in forlder x
b) boundaries in forlder y
c) ...

> My plans were to build a gui and simple query system next.  But ultimately I
want a tool in my desktop GIS to
> allow quick browsing and loading of certain layers easily.
Yes, we are think of the same. But set ontop of a existing GIS like QGIS.
What they have done in ArcCatalogue can be replicated.
> There are some hacks in there that can output sql or csv if you need something
Would you show me such a CSV hack?

What do you think of adding the script to gdal/ogr project?

Best regards,

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