
Some stuff I've been involved with for the last few months (remember, you asked 
. . .):

   * Minnesota Structures Collaborative, has a web interface, a database and 
means to capture and store data via a web
     mapping interface.   Involved the creation of four state coverage layers 
compiled from various authors/agencies
     around the state.  Fire Stations, Hospitals, Police Stations and Schools
         o http://www.mngeo.state.mn.us/committee/emprep/structures/index.html
   * I've been working on a couple of OPERA 
         o One for prototyping a portable field printing system for USNG Markers
               + Printing over bluetooth to a portable printer.
               + GPS capture of marker locations in the field as they are 
         o One for prototyping a low cost.AutoMated Vehicle Tracking system.
               + Auto tracking of vehicle/personnel location from phone, always 
on mapping, etc.
               + locally installed map GeoMoose map service on the phone.
         o Both projects are being built out using a Nokia N900 (linux) phone.
               + http://maemo.nokia.com/n900/
         o The projects are in their final stages before writing the project 
reports.  There will be about a year
           testing process as well.  I'll post a link to the OPERA Grant 
reports once completed if you are interested.
         o These both involve the Phones running in a standalone mode when no 
network is available as well as being
           able to sync their data with a network connection to a master server 
for redistrubution to other similarly
           configured devices.
               + GeoMoose mapping stack on the phones, Apache, GeoMoose, 
               + QRcode Generator on the phone, for generating QRcode (2d 
barcodes) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code
         o The software stack is pretty much a carbon copy of a linux install 
except for some styling and configuration
           changes, and there is still some gesture programming to add to the 
Mapping (GeoMoose) interface, which can
           be implemented as a browser dependent CSS file.
         o The hardware has a lot of potential for other uses, since it's Linux 
based, and combined with a portable PC
           and or a larger control screen, the interfaces because they are all 
web based can be made to operate as
           closely as possible to each other, whether in a vehicle or out of it 
and one the move in walking mode.
   * The City of Saint Paul GISmo (public) https://gis.ci.stpaul.mn.us/ site 
has seen an explosion of data in the last
     year or so, and we're in the final stages of adding a 1920's vintage 
aerial photo dataset as a layer in our
     GeoMoose implementation https://gis.ci.stpaul.mn.us/gis/gismo_public/html/
         o Internally we're serving up 216+ layers, all as WMS/WFS.
         o Externally we're serving up 35+ layers (with more to come in the 
near future), again all as WMS/WFS
         o We've had a lot of interest in development of derived layers, that 
use one or more existing layers in
           different ways.  One example was the need to see the Right-of way 
areas within the City.  This derived layer
           was created by subtracting the Parcel polygons, and water bodies and 
what was left was Right-of-way.  It's
           pointed out some error that we didn't know existed and has become a 
very popular layer very quickly.
         o Another such derived layer, was a layer that delineates the Railroad 
own lands, this data was only aviable
           in our Address database, since RailRoad addresses have their own 
classification in our addressing system, by
           combing this with the County parcels layer via the PIN, we were able 
to build out a layer that depicted the
           railroad ownership.  This has been another popular layer recently.
         o While these examples likely seem mundane to those folks that develop 
GIS systems, the piece that is exciting
           for us, is that the desire came from the web mapping interface users 
who specifically asked for these types
           of layers, and the fact that they wouldn't have come to this 
conclusion if not for the GIS systems existence
           in the first place.
         o We're also building out toolsets for importing most of out OGS 
datasets into an AutoCAD session, while we've
           done this for a number of years in the past, we're now able to read 
the data into AutoCAD as native AutoCAD
           features, including AutoCivil Objects, which we've recently moved 
some of our key desighers to using.
   * GeoMoose has seen Version 2.2 out the door and a bunch of little 
improvements and enhancements to come in the near
         o User based it steadily increasing.
         o Mail list is seeing steady and growing activity
   * Finally (for tonight)  I'm involved with a service project called the 
proximity finder, that does what it sounds
     like, it looks for things closest to a point of interest, as well as 
inside of a boundary.   This should be
     available for feedback before GIS/LIS as the first prototype has jbeen 
recently reviewed by the MetroGIS workgroup.
         o It will also have an integration with the MetroGIS GeoCoder to show 
closest features to a geocoded location
           like a Address or Landmark.
         o Checking to see if link can be published.

Ok, I'm tired of typing . . .  :c)



On 9/1/2010 4:08 PM, Fawcett, David (MPCA) wrote:
Thanks to the few of you who had comments.

Really, none of the rest of you want to brag about or promote your OSGEO 

Come on, any new features, optimizations, data formats, case studies, etc.?


-----Original Message-----
From: Fawcett, David (MPCA)
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:54 AM
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: New and Noteworthy in OS Geospatial?

I am working on a presentation focused on, "What's New and Cool in OpenSource 
Geospatial" for a group of GIS professionals.  This group is most familiar with the 
proprietary ESRI stack, but there is a growing awareness and interest in OpenSource.

My goal is to introduce people to cool projects or features, highlighting 
events and improvements from the past year.  I am thinking of categories 
including software, databases, community, and open data.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas that people have on new or noteworthy 
developments in OpenSource geospatial.  Think about new projects, new features, 
optimizations, events, use cases, etc.

Please feel free to email me off-list or just respond to this message.

Thank you very much,

David Fawcett
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