Well, as Cleopatra said to Caesar, I'm not inclined to argue.  The
controlling coordinates are at lines 59-64;  no dependencies I can think
of.  Loads into sub-directory 'tiles'.

FYI, there's a one-second sleep at 26 to avoid hammering OSM.


On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Bob Basques <bob.basq...@ci.stpaul.mn.us>wrote:

>  grab from where,  . .
>  . . . from any (raster) image server.
>  Your script sounds close, although I'm interested in grabbing directly
> from MapServer as well as WMS feeds.  It would get me started and probably
> lead to a mechanism of some sort that would allow for retrieving from these
> various services at the very least.
>  If you feel inclined to share . . .
>  thanks
>  bobb

<<attachment: get_tiles.php>>

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