Good news...
thanks Markus...

Il giorno mer, 08/09/2010 alle 00.41 +0200, Markus Neteler ha scritto:
> GRASS GIS 6.4.0 released
> We are pleased to announce the new stable version of GRASS GIS. As a
> stable release GRASS 6.4 will enjoy long term support. While active
> development has continued in the background, due to our highly
> conservative stabilization policy this is the first official release of
> GRASS to introduce new features since October 2006. It supersedes the
> previous stable GRASS 6.2 line while remaining backward-compatible with
> all previous releases since 6.0. As such there are a host of new features
> to explore and it incorporates many structural improvements.
> GRASS 6.4 debuts our new and improved wxPython graphical user
> interface (wxGUI); Python is now a fully supported scripting language;
> and for the first time since its inception with a port from the VAX
> 11/780 in 1983, GRASS now runs natively on a non-UNIX based platform:
> MS-Windows. GRASS has been translated into twenty languages and
> supports a wide array of popular data formats.
> GRASS differs from many other GIS software packages used in the academic
> and professional worlds in that it is developed and distributed by users
> for users, mostly on a volunteer basis, in the open, and is given away for
> free. The source code is also freely available, allowing for immediate
> customization, examination of the underlying algorithms, addition of new
> features, and faster patching of bugs.
> Full story at
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Ivan Marchesini
Perugia (Italy)
Socio fondatore GFOSS "Geospatial Free and Open Source Software"
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