Yes, on the OSGeo Discuss list there was the interesting suggestion that one could compute the viewshed for points along a road segment to get an estimate of the potential view from that segment. I'm thinking about doing this in the future since I already have the DEM which would be required for the US. The BIG problem is how to do this from a great many points as it is compute cost heavy.

There are also problems with vegetation blocking the view, but just computing the potential view based on the DEM might be a good starting point. By comparing the difference between a DEM that looks at the ground and one that looks at the vegetation you can probably get a good idea of whether or not the view is hidden by the vegetation.

So many ideas and so little time and compute power <sigh>.

In the idea of costing cross traffic turns higher than with traffic turns, this would be a very cool feature to have in pgRouting. In the abstract we are adding a cost at a node based on a rule. If the rules are extensible, then a node might also represent a bus stop and a schedule such that given an arrival time at the stop we can cost then compute the wait time for each successive departure when doing multi-modal routing.


On 9/15/2010 10:09 AM, Anton Patrushev wrote:
Correct, but not with only right (left) turns, but with much higher
costs for left (right) turns.
Slightly off the topic - at the FOSS4G conference poster session I saw
very interesting application for tourism with costs assigned according
to how beautiful or interesting road segments are.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 7:22 AM, Geoff Hay<>  wrote:
Hi All
I seem to remember reading somewhere that UPS delivery routes are
constructed with only right turns (or left depending on the country) so as
to make use of 'free' turns to avoid waiting at traffic lights.
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