On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 11:09 +0000, Joanne Cook wrote:
> Dear All,
> In light of the request that Charter Member nominees state their case
> for nomination, here goes...

Hi all,

I follow the thread and toot my own horn [0] :)

To add more info to the presentation on the wikipage, I'm member of QGIS
Documentation and Release teams, and one of the core GRASS developers.

My participation within OSGeo started with Google Summer of Code 2008.
After two positive experiences as student and one as mentor, I would
like to come further behind the scenes, and make it a testing ground to
improve communication among the various foundation projects. It is also
a good entry point for students interested in experiencing how open
source works. Actually the rate of students who joined a project for the
first time during SoC and continued developing after it is quite low. As
SoC has been for me the gateway to OSGeo, I want to help to make this
happen more often. I think also of replicating the idea and make an
OSGeo $season of code, tailoring it to the Foundation's goals and

I'm co-founder of OSGeo Women chapter and also of Donne at
softwarelibero.it, a newborn group focused on women participation to
free software in Italy [1]. Within this latter group, that collects
people scattered among various distributions and associations, I noticed
how valuable are people who act as bridges among projects. A net of them
can be the best start for a profitable cross-project communication. My
primary goal as charter member is to be a node of this net, to encourage
an effective connection among foundation projects.

Let me end with a quote from Ravi [2]:
"This is the Indian season for the 'Festival of Lights', known as
Deepavali, and may this OSGeo Charter member election, fill OSGeo with
new light."

best regards

Anne Ghisla

[0] http://xkcd.com/757/
[1] http://www.fsugitalia.org/donne/ (in Italian)
[2] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2010-November/008185.html
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