The other side of promotion is helping to attract new developers.

We often focus on marketing the use of open source software; but we
also should promote involvement and contributing to keep projects


On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Andreas Hocevar <> wrote:
> Hi,
> because I was asked about how OSGeo should promote its projects as a 
> follow-up to my self-introduction as a charter member nominee, let me also 
> add my 2¢ here.
> I think the important question is: what kind of marketing is required? OSGeo 
> does not sell anything, but the organizations involved in the OSGeo projects 
> do. And the organizations, for obvious reasons, have an incentive to do 
> marketing for the solutions they provide, but not necessarily for the 
> underlying software stack.
> There is, however, a common benefit in having a neutral entity provide 
> marketing by means of something like an "OSGeo Certified" program. OSGeo has 
> become a well known brand, and could learn from marketing initiatives like 
> organic food certification programs. A glossy brochure explaining the 
> criteria for certification, along with standardized fact sheets (how many 
> organizations involved, how many installations etc.) and case studies for 
> each project - this is what I meant in my introductory statement.
> I don't see myself as a potential OSGeo-Live maintainer or Marketing 
> committee member - I perform best as a software developer, so this is what 
> I'll continue to do. What I want to do is help explain needs and concerns of 
> communities to those at OSGeo who see their role in marketing, from the 
> perspective of a developer with conference booth savvy.
> Regards,
> Andreas.
> On Nov 9, 2010, at 14:56 , Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> For the record, I agree with the comments made by Arnulf and a few
>> others that encouraging projects to produce this material and keep it up
>> to date is a good thing, but making that an incubation criteria may be
>> pushing it a bit much.
>> I also believe that a Live DVD is a nice thing to have and a great
>> showcase, but I'm not convinced that we should discriminate between
>> OSGeo Live and OSGeo4W, DebianGIS, UbuntuGIS, EL-GIS and other packaging
>> efforts... they all facilitate access to the software for non-technical
>> users in the environment that they are already familiar with, so all
>> projects should be strongly encouraged to participate in all of them as
>> well as in the OSGeo Live DVD. As a bonus, the projects who put energy
>> into DebianGIS/UbuntuGIS are much easier to integrate in OSGeo Live, the
>> reverse is not true.
>> My 0.02$
>> Daniel
>> Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
>>> Cameron,
>>> thanks for your initiative. Let me add a few notes to reconsider about
>>> *how* we want to go about this.
>>> Marketing is an OSGeo service for it's projects. Adding the proposed
>>> requirements as criteria to pass Incubation feels a lot more like a
>>> stick than a carrot. What I do like is the aspect of revisiting all
>>> incubated projects once a year -> I proposed this to Incubation twice
>>> but so far it never got anywhere.
>>> The current proposal is very focused on the needs of OSGeo Live. Don't
>>> get me wrong, I like the OSGeo Live project and have already used it
>>> successfully in workshops and recommend it everywhere. But to me it is
>>> more like another OSGeo project and should not become a cirteria for
>>> incubation. To get my idea just imagine that supporting GDAL/OGR is an
>>> OSGeo incubation criteria. Did the OSGeo Live project ever incubate at
>>> all? Should be easy, maybe you want to apply?
>>> Respective to what marketing material we need: My personal perception
>>> (which can obviously be wrong) is that DVDs at trade fairs and
>>> conferences get taken away and then never looked at again. The contained
>>> information is as quickly outdated as that on any piece of paper. An
>>> OGSeo folder with summary pages and a short description on paper would
>>> be a great hand-out. It could be a additional benefit to sponsors who
>>> appear in this folder. Sponsors can reuse this material and add their
>>> own portfolio to use in their sales. This is one of the few concrete
>>> wishes of our current sponsors.
>>> Some of the items you suggest seem to duplicate efforts already in
>>> place. The short intro page to each project is on the OSGeo web site:
>>><project name>
>>> The project logos should not be uploaded to yet another disconnected
>>> repository. Marketing might want to scrutinize and consolidate what we
>>> have now.
>>> One last comment is that I would not support "powerpoint" as a
>>> desireable format. Especially with presentations once stuck on one
>>> office package you will never leave because everything invariably falls
>>> apart. Let us for now stick with whatever projets are used to and wait a
>>> bit more for HTML5.
>>> To me "nudging" feels a lot more like OSGeo than the threat of "imposing
>>> rules". But this is just my old me...
>>> Best regards,
>>> Arnulf
>>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>> Jody,
>>>> Why not add your comments by email initially.
>>>> I suggest that we discuss this at the next scheduled Marketing Committee
>>>> meeting.
>>>> We have just changed the timeslot, Tyler should be able to tell us the
>>>> next meeting time. (It doesn't seem to be up to date here:
>>>> )
>>>> On 08/11/10 18:57, Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>>> I was thinking of taking that discussion to the marketing list; to see
>>>>> how it aligns with committee goals before pestering project leads.
>>>>> Would you like to make an IRC date; even if it is just the two of us
>>>>> we could run through your wiki page and give it the once over.
>>>>> I am pretty busy at work; but could try for Tuesday evening if you are
>>>>> available?
>>>>> Jody
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Cameron Shorter
>>>>> <>  wrote:
>>>>>> On 06/11/10 13:38, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>>>>>> Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>>>>>> Bit confused here cameron.
>>>>>>>> The incubation committee is focused to helping projects into the
>>>>>>>> foundation; the marketing committee needs to sort out what is
>>>>>>>> required to
>>>>>>>> facilitate involvement with any promotional activities OSGeo
>>>>>>>> undertakes.
>>>>>>>> So please don't respond to the incubation list; not really our cup of
>>>>>>>> tea.
>>>>>>> Jody,
>>>>>>> I believe Cameron is hoping the incubation committee is a good place to
>>>>>>> seek buy-in from the projects, and that we would make production of the
>>>>>>> desired artifacts a condition of graduation.
>>>>>>> It does seem Cameron set a wide net (discuss, marketing and
>>>>>>> incubation).
>>>>>>> I personally don't like cross-list discussions.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Jody, as Frank notes I've endeavoured to notify all people likely to be
>>>>>> effected by marketing requirements for projects, and then focus
>>>>>> discussion
>>>>>> on one list, and I picked incubation as I expect that most people
>>>>>> effected
>>>>>> will be on this list.
>>>>>> I'm a little nervous that no one has questioned my marketing proposal.
>>>>>> Either everyone thinks it is a great idea, or people have not had a
>>>>>> chance
>>>>>> to read through the proposed advanced incubation criteria and then raise
>>>>>> concerns.
>>>>>> I'd appreciate some review of the proposed Marketing requirements and
>>>>>> comment on whether I'm on track or not:
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>>>> Geospatial Director
>>>>>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>>>>>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>>>>>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>>>>>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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>> Daniel Morissette
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> --
> Andreas Hocevar
> OpenGeo -
> Expert service straight from the developers.
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