Congratulations and best wishes to all new charter members from Venus and Mars.

Tomasz Kubik

W liście datowanym 12 listopada 2010 (13:20:05) napisano:

> OSGeo members,

> The 2010 process is complete, and the new charter members are, in
> alphabetical order:

>         • Alex Mandel
>         • Andreas Hocevar
>         • Anne Ghisla
>         • Astrid Emde
>         • Danilo Furtado
>         • Gavin Fleming
>         • Hirofumi Hayashi
>         • Jo Cook
>         • Maria Brovelli
>         • Milena Nowotarska

> I apologize for not sending out more process reminders, but I was on
> the road in Japan and not really watching the clock. However, the
> voting period has now passed, and over 50% of the membership
> participated in the selection process.

> Thanks to all the nominees who took the time to write to the discuss
> list about their nomination.

> A significant number of voters expressed that the number of slots was
> not sufficient given the number of quality nominees, which is an issue
> I will refer to the Board for next year's process.

> Thanks for your votes,

> Paul Ramsey
> 2010 OSGeo Chief Returning Officer
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