I am glad to announce the OSGeo Montreal Code Sprint 2011 that will take
place (in Montreal) on Tuesday-Friday March 15-18, 2011.

All the details are available or will be added to the wiki at

This is the 3rd edition of this North American code sprint, it was held
in Toronto in 2009, NYC in 2010, and will be in Montreal in 2011.

The theme for this year is "The Rendez-vous of the Tribes" ... sending
out a clear message that we'd like to see members of all tribes (C,
Java, JavaScript, etc.) to join forces for the advancement of OSGeo
technologies. Last year's sprint in NYC helped foster synergies between
the tribes and we want this to continue even stronger.

The sprint is open to all OSGeo project contributors willing to get
their hands dirty working for the advancement of their OSGeo projects.
It is not limited to developers: power users can also contribute to
documentation (new docs or translations), in testing new features and
helping test/reproduce bugs in various environments.

If you plan to participate then please add your name to the wiki page to
help us with planning, and join the discussion list to get the latest
updates at http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/tosprint

Finally, like in previous years, we will be seeking sponsors (750$ each)
to help support food and fun for the sprinters as they work hard and
play hard for four productive days. If you are interested in being a
sponsor then please contact me off-list.

Thank you to our first two sponsors: LizardTech
(http://www.lizardtech.com/) and Azavea (http://www.azavea.com/), and to
the "Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal" (CMM) for hosting us!

Best Regards

Daniel Morissette
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