As part of Mozilla's Drumbeat initiative, P2PU will be hosting free
volunteer-run courses on open web technologies.
Course list:

I am running a beginner-level "Online Maps with OpenLayers" course, covering
OpenStreetMap and basics of OpenLayers.  Participants' final project is
researching a real-world application of geospatial technology and designing
their own map for their Interest Project.  Hopefully the course will produce
a good number of starter examples, answer newbie questions, and help
non-technical people turn their JPG maps such as into
informative and visually-appealing web maps.

The course page is and I
would appreciate input on topics for this course, something beyond the
existing Examples page.
I have made OpenLayers maps before, some for Ushahidi and a city water
department, but I would also appreciate if an expert could volunteer to help
if we're unable to get something working.

Nick Doiron
Civil Engineering Class of 2012
Carnegie Mellon University
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