On 02/03/11 12:41, Noli Sicad wrote:
I am using Spatialite CLI for to this job.
1. Import shapefile into Spatialite
2. Create CSV.file for the counties
3. Use Vitual table for counties.csv
4. Use ST_UNION to create a new table with dissolved boundaries
5. Dump the new spatialite table to Shapefile file
On 3/2/11, Simon Cropper<scrop...@botanicusaustralia.com.au> wrote:
On 02/03/11 08:37, Dan Putler wrote:
Is there a FOSS command line tool that runs under Linux for dissolving
polygon boundaries based on a field in an attribute table that (ideally)
works directly with shapefiles? There are a number of non-cli tools out
there, but I'm working with all US counties on a county by county basis,
and wanted to avoid importing each individual county into another product.
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My understanding is that SAGA can be accessed using the command line.
Check out this page...
If you intend to create a bash script to dissolve your shapefiles, it
would be just as easy I presume to write a script that opens the
shapefile, dissolves the polygons, then closes it; progressively working
through the list of counties. Remember most packages have the ability to
run script. gvSIG uses Jpython, QGIS python, etc. I fact from what I can
tell you can actually import QGIS modules into python.
Cheers Simon
Simon Cropper
Principal Consultant
Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 160, Sunshine, VIC
W: www.botanicusaustralia.com.au
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That sounds great.
I thought I remembered having read somewhere that Spatialite could
accept commands in this way but could not find a link to the webpage
when putting together my reply.
Can you provide a step by step outline of the code necessary to do this?
Why is it necessary to create a CSV? Can't Spatialite manipulate
shapefiles directly in a virtual table?
Cheers Simon
Simon Cropper
Principal Consultant
Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 160, Sunshine, VIC
W: www.botanicusaustralia.com.au
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