i am working with opensource with goverment, education program, and standard
education ini ministery

but because i stay in indonesia, i can see the goverment is not serious to
make the program in a goodprogress

i can see this is more conspiration rather than a program

but i can see the global pressure can change the country,

u can see my progrress in www.facebook.com/meruvian

i can help a lot for the networking here, from chamber of commerce,
telematics assoication, opensource movement, and education

Frans Thamura
Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.

Mobile: +628557888699
Blog: http://blogs.mervpolis.com/roller/flatburger (id)

FB: http://www.facebook.com/meruvian
TW: http://www.twitter.com/meruvian / @meruvian
Website: http://www.meruvian.org

"We grow because we share the same belief."

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) <
tmitch...@osgeo.org> wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *jmw <j...@oss-institute.org>
> *Date: *March 10, 2011 11:14:51 AM EST
> *To: *o...@oss-institute.org
> *Subject: **[Ossi] We'd like your feedback on OSS Adoption/Usage in
> Government Systems*
> *Reply-To: *j...@oss-institute.org
>  * We'd like to get your feedback on government adoption of open source *
> (Thursday, March 10, 2011) As part of the Homeland Open Security Technology
> (HOST) program, we are helping to study where, how and why open source
> software is being used within government IT systems.
> A team led by representatives from the University of Texas at Austin and
> Georgia Tech Research Institute are conducting voluntary interviews by email
> and telephone of federal, state and local government representatives who are
> willing to share their experiences and insights on open source adoption
> within public sector systems.
> Information provided will help to identify common challenges, solutions and
> resources available to public sector adopters.
> We are looking for input from representatives from all branches and levels
> of government and public sector, as well as those who provide service and
> support for open source solutions to government clients.
> If you are interested in participating, please contact our research team by
> email at: *govoss-feedb...@oss-institute.org* .
> Specifically we're looking for:
>    - *END USERS*: People in Government who use open source software
>    - *DEVELOPERS*: People in Government who develop open source software
>    as part of their official duties
>    - *ACQUISITION & VETTING*: People in Government who deal with
>    acquisition decisions, information assurance (IA) vetting and/or support
>    software
>    - *OPEN SECURITY*: Developers who have had success in getting
>    government approval in the open security/open source solutions
>    - *VENDORS*: Vendors who provide support for Open Security/Open Source
>    software in government spaces
> If you meet this criteria, or know someone who does, please contact us.
> Our team will select a number of interview candidates for approximately
> 20-30 minutes telephone interview. Others, we will accept your stories and
> insights via email.
> Conversations can be non-attribution, if preferred.  Prior to our call, we
> will provide interviewees with a short list of questions to consider.
> We appreciate your consideration and hope that you can take a few moments
> to share with us and others lessons that you've learned from working with
> open source software within government IT.
> Thanks
> jmw
> --
> ------------------------------
> *John M. Weathersby, Jr.*
> Executive Director
> Open Source Software Institute
>  http://www.oss-institute.org <http://oss-institute.org/>
> H-burg: 601.427.0152
> WDC: 202.682.7524
> ------------------------------
>  _______________________________________________
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> o...@oss-institute.org
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