On 3/23/2011 4:18 AM, Shin, Sanghee wrote:
Dear All,

Our Korean chapter is planning to hold full 5 days FOSS4G education program for 
the FOSS4G novice in this summer. So I'm wondering whether there is any 
existing FOSS4G education curriculum or syllabus for our reference. If any, 
please let me know. Your help will be appreciated.

Great to hear that you are doing this! We haven't been able to get to a full curriculum but I am surprised that you are not aware of our educational inventory system at [1]. One of our goals is to establish a system for "new derivative work." So, for example, if there is material on our system that you might want to convert to Korean, I'd be interested in seeing that happen (assuming the author of the content allows new derivatives).

Also, if from this event you produce new educational materials that you are willing to share, I encourage you (and others on this list) to post metadata entries to the material at [2].

Please note that we are trying to develop a FOSS4G educational curriculum but it is a difficult collective action challenge. See [3] for a list of what is on our agenda. We'd welcome anyone to join us to try and assist in achieving some of these goals.

Finally, I'm hoping there will be an educational "content sprint" at the Denver conference. I still need to work on the coordination of that.

Charlie Schweik
OSGeo education chair

[1] http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content
[2] https://www.osgeo.org/node/add/edu-content
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Edu_goals_and_to_dos

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