Ok, after thinking about this a little and doing some more googling about. It is hard to find the right terms for this question. Anyway this is one approach that I thought of.

Given that you had a constrained area - what ever that might be.
You might generate horizon profiles of the area based on prominent peaks or features, by viewing those areas from outside the area of interest. The goal being to generate wireframe profiles of the ridges and mountains in say N-degree steps about the prominent feature. These would all get stored for future reference.

Now given a photograph, identify the horizon and any other significant terrain features as wire frames.

Now try to match these against the sample references created above. This will need to be done very approximately like just matching peaks and allowing for horizontal spread based on point of view distance and relative height differences from the reference perspective and the camera perspective. The idea here is to narrow the field of possible perspective images from 1000's to 100's.

This matching might be achieved by doing a linear regression that can only distort your image profiles by stretching/compressing the image horizontally and/or vertically and computing a least square fit against the reference. You would want to keep the images centers aligned right-left because you are trying to fine the reference image the best aligns with your image because this will give you the heading onto which you can then dos more detailed analysis. You can slide the images up-down relative to one another. Or try to analyze matching prominent features in the profile that match right-left from center.

Then a detailed analysis of this smaller number of possible viewing angles and be analyzed. If you can uniquely identify 2-3 features, then it should be possible to analyze the distance between them and their relative heights and widths to compute heading, distance and azimuth of the camera that you could then try to place more accurately on your DEM.

Anyway, having never done anything like this, this would be how I would approach it without additional research to direct me in another direction.


On 3/28/2011 5:27 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
Well, yes, I did do that first and have some angles on the more conventional
aspects of this, e.g. missile guidance.  Being new to this area, though, I
thought I'd put out a query to see what else might turn up in the open
source realm (pure R&D being one thing; hackable code is something quite
different sometimes).

[that said, sometimes it's hard to even frame the right questions when one
is in a brand new area..]


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:wood...@swoodbridge.com]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 2:16 PM
To: m...@flaxen.com; OSGeo Discussions
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Finding position based on horizon profile?

On 3/28/2011 4:48 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
Consider the following hypothetical problem:

Assume we have a good elevation data set for a large region of the
earth -- say, an entire mountain range.  Now let's say we have a
photograph taken from the ground, the horizon of which shows the
profile of a couple of the mountains in that range.  Can you tell me
where the photograph was taken from?

Any pointers to research in this area would be appreciated.


Does this help?


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