On 4/5/2011 7:43 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
On 11-04-05 04:59 AM, Fernando González wrote:
The first step is to
create a work group to learn GGL2 technologies so we need a mailing
list and a public SCM (we work with a private one currently).

Is it possible to get such infrastructure from osgeo? Some people in
GearScape mailing list suggested to ask here for a trac instance and
even to apply for incubation. I like the incubation idea but I guess
we're not so big yet. Would it be possible at least to start by being
hosted? I think GGL2 is somewhat innovative and it could be
interesting for osgeo to include such a project if it ever succeeds.


Yes, OSGeo does sometimes provide mailing list, Trac and SVN services for
non-OSGeo (ie. non-incubating) projects. For mailing lists the barrier is
quite low. For Trac/SVN you need someone on the system administration
committee who is willing and able to do the work. That proponent then
makes a motion on the SAC mailing list, and once passed provides notice
to the board in case there are concerns. Generally speaking the hard
part of the process is finding someone willing and able to do the work.
The rest just slightly delays things.

We (on SAC) are generally more supportive of projects that we think have
a prospect of going through incubation at some point or that are closely
related to existing OSGeo projects.

Best regards,


You might also look at http://code.google.com/ or sourceforge, both provide these services if you can not get a SAC advocate for your project.

Best regards,
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