On Friday, April 29, 2011, andrea antonello <andrea.antone...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, I am not sure how to ask this.
> Is there any template/software/application that is particularly
> suitable to prepare pdf slides to give development courses.
> I would imagine such an application as something that supplies nice
> help for embedding code snippets and similar things and could be
> updated easily.
> I have a feeling that sphinx might be such a tool, but I never used it
> and am not sure if it can be useful for that purpose.
> Thanks,
> Andrea

Hi Andrea

I personally write slides in reST and then convert them to s5 with rst2s5.
You may use then Sphinx if you want to publish your material as
documentation on web.
all this stuff is awesome, IMHO


Paolo Corti
Geospatial software developer
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