OGC standards people,
Have there been any discussions at the OGC level about specifying language support within OGC standards?

On 24/05/11 22:26, Oliver Tonnhofer wrote:
Hi Steven,

On 24.05.2011, at 11:51, Steven M. Ottens wrote:
I'm currently building a multi-lingual Web-GIS application. One of the requirements 
is that the legends of the maps are multi-lingual. E.g. if the chosen language is 
English, the legend will say 'forest', whereas when the chosen language is Dutch it 
will say 'bos'. So no need to have all the languages in one image, using something 
like&lang=en is fine by me.
That would be a pragmatic solution.

I've done a quick look in the mapserver documentation but it doesn't appear to 
support&lang for generating legends. Nor does the WMS 1.3.0 specification for 
that matter.
You should take a look at 
 (doesn't load at the moment).

They define a language parameter that uses 3 letter ISO codes (dutch=dut, 
english=eng), but only for GetCapabilities requests. They suggest to return 
different OnlineResource URLs based on the language parameter of the 
capabilities request.

<OnlineResource xlink:href="http://someHOST.example/ger/GetMap?"; />

It's a bit weird, but I think the reasoning behind that is that there is no 
proper way to tell a client that a language is not supported for a legend/map 


Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
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