Hi guys!

I was prepare some amount of maps. In originaly it have a box, i crop
it using GIMP/listgeo/getifcp, Now I can make atlas in QLandKarteGT
and it work well... But, I need to merge this images into one and I am
fail: in result image my pages separated by transparent areas.

My sources files:

Result file (sorry for big size):

My command line:
gdal_merge.py -o result.tiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES
200k--n57-21_ozf-crop.tiff 200k--n57-22_ozf-crop.tiff

GDAL version: 1.8.0
OS: Linux

Also, in QGIS this maps separated by black areas. In GlobalMapper
under wine this pages loaded good (like QLandKarteGT)

Thanks for any help!
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