Thank you Dave. Nomination added to
Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)
On 11-08-04 11:02 PM, Dave McIlhagga wrote:
I would like to nominate Andrew Ross for a position on the OSGeo Board.
Andrew brings a balanced mix of valuable technical and business skills
which make him a great choice to become an OSGeo board member. His
experience spans private, public, and academic organizations. He has
been involved with OSGeo for five years, and has been a charter member
of OSGeo for the past 3 years. In this time he has demonstrated
considerable commitment to OSGeo, its projects, and organizations in the
OSGeo ecosystem.
This list represents some of Andrew's experience and qualifications and
experience relevant to his nomination:
- Founder of FOSSLC ( - a non-profit organization
dedicated to education and business development with open source
- Director of Ecosystems at the Eclipse Foundation
- Ingres' Director of Engineering (& Geospatial Technology)
- The development team at Ingres under his leadership contributed to
OSGeo projects including GEOS, GDAL/OGR, Proj.4, and others.
- He arranged considerable financial support for OSGeo from Ingres, both
direct (cash & code contributions) and indirect (contracting people to
make contributions to OSGeo projects).
- Project founder, committer/architect for the open source video
recording & streaming suite called Freeseer
- Organized multiple OSGeo related events including Geocamp 2008,
Summercamp 2009, and a number of bootcamps.
- Organized teams to record videos for past OSGeo events including
FOSS4G2009, Rendez-Vous OSGeo Quebec, and more.
- Mentor for dozens of programming interns as part of the Google Summer
of Code, Talent First Network, UCOSP, and other student programs.
- Teaching Programming using open source technologies at Carleton
University since 2006
- 7 years experience as an architect and software developer at Nortel
creating carrier grade products and services based on open source code
- Very active member of the Ottawa OSGeo Chapter
In addition to his considerable personal experience, Andrew's work with
the Eclipse Foundation, FOSSLC, and other organizations provides access
to an enormous amount of experience, specialized skills, and a wealth of
contacts. His addition to the board would create even more opportunities
for technology sharing/development and valuable business development.
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