I am pleased to nominate Gérald Fenoy for the OSGeo Board of Directors. Many of you will recognize Gérald in his ZOO-Project t-shirts at past FOSS4G events. He is a passionate person, and he gives his heart and soul to every project that he works on.

Gérald was the initial contributor to the ZOO-Project (http://www.zoo-project.org) Open Source project, a popular WPS platform. Living in southern France, he is also active in several other local Open Source projects including PostGIS (he is the maintainer of the PostGIS.fr website http://www.postgis.fr/).

Gérald is also a long-time MapServer user, and leverages MapServer (http://www.mapserver.org) in each and every project that he delivers. Throughout the years he has submitted several patches directly to the MapServer source code.

A frequent traveler, Gérald is also very active in OSGeo communities all around the world, including OSGeo-Senegal (Africa), OSGeo-Japan, OSGeo-Vietnam, and OSGeo-China.

Gérald frequently funds many OSGeo developers to add enhancements to their software for his projects (which often include committed enhancements to the GDAL and MapServer projects). He is a very active businessman for his company GeoLabs (http://geolabs.fr/) and he is very willing to help Open Source projects grow.

Most importantly, Gérald is very accessible, and lives in IRC chat as the "djay" username. He is always quick to respond (and you can always know that his cigarette is hanging from his lips as he thinks of a response to your challenging question). Another important point is that he is very professional, always listening to feedback no matter if it is positive or negative, and then making appropriate changes.

I feel that Gérald will be a great addition to the OSGeo Board of Directors. He brings a wealth of experience from the private sector that is always useful on any Board of Directors. In my recent talks with him he is very honored that I am nominating him for this position. It is my honor to do this for him.


-- Jeff McKenna

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